Logging inspections could know about log4j 2 logger class out of the box."object allocation in loop" for a lambda which seems not to allocate anything.False positive "Pointless bitwise expression" inspection."replace with forEach" replaces "continue" to "return" in inner for.Inspection "Externalizable class without 'public' no-arg constructor" doesn't work if Externalizable class is public.Loop can be replaced with tAll ignores starting index.Reformatting JavaDoc with generics Map adds extra spaces every time, may freeze IDE.Upgrade to IntelliJ 2018.3.3 (from 2018.2.x) causes high cpu/memory usage in idle state.Cannot not start IDE after 2018.3.4 update.

Usage of internal Gradle `DefaultConvention` should be replaced by public API usages.Spring Initializr + 191 IDEA : gradle project failed on import from custom Initializr Service.Unable to start Gradle 5.0 daemon process in IntelliJ.

Adding new module to Gradle project doesn't show root project in the list.Source directories not marked as such in 2018.3 with Gradle 4.7+ and "Separate modules per source set" disabled.Import Gradle project with Gradle 5.0 fails when IDE is running under 11 JDK.Gradle import fails witch error: Could not find or load main class =ALL-UNNAMED.Gradle: multi-module project creation is broken.Join Lines on selected text also joins not selected text.Instrumentation in does not work when running as Debug mode in Intellij Idea.Maybe also add an option to choose the JRE used by ECJ There should be an option to only pass the command line typed by the user. Intellij should be bundled with ECJ 4.10.